Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jumping In--Pant less

I'm not sure that I really have much to say. My husband thinks blogs are silly. I told him he doesn't have to read it...and that I would write mean things about him. That isn't true of course. I feel such pressure to write something great, or funny. Here goes, my first blogging story.

When I was in college a series of unfortunate things happened to me, mostly self-inflicted. This is one of them. I came home from class one day and was pleased to find an empty apartment. I was ready to enjoy a few quiet moments, after I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. You see, I had a routine in college. When I got home I always changed into jeans and a t-shirt, even if I was already wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I would change into different ones. Silly, I know. On this particular day I was wearing dress pants and nylons.

Time out to explain the configuration of the apartment. I went to Ricks College/BYU-Idaho. It was the classic layout which includes a living room/kitchen separated from the bedrooms by a hallway and door. There is one bedroom directly across from the dividing door into the living room. The dividing door provides privacy, and protects virtue...at least that's the idea. Anyway, in our apartment we had a message board right next to the dividing door....Stage set, back to the story.

So, I decide I have to go to the bathroom. I do my business and then think to myself, "Why would I go to the trouble of putting my nylons and pants back on when I'm just going to change as soon as I get my bedroom. I'll just carry my pants. After all, no one is home, I should be safe." And with this flawless logic I went on my pant less way. Did I mention that I live in the front bedroom across from the living room, and the dividing door was presently open?

I get about three steps into the hallway when I realize I am not alone. I look up to see my roommate's friend AND boyfriend standing at the message board mid message. Our eyes meet and I know there is no turning back. I have to do something. I decide it would be best to pretend that nothing is amiss. I confidently stride down the hallway, my not-so-little-thighs proudly flapping in the wind, smile and say, "Hey guys! How's it goin'?" Like I'd been going pant less everyday of my life. I then run (carefully of course, how humiliating would to be for my thighs to slap on the way?) into my room so fast that I barely hear their bewildered, "...hi...." in return.

I stood in my room having a mini panic attack. I waited for them to leave, got dressed and went about my day, determined never to speak of the incident again. Later that night I was lying in bed chatting with my roommate (it was her friends that witnessed my exhibitionist behavior) and said timidly, "Megann, did your friend maybe say something......" My embarrassed question was drown out by her laughing...her hysterical laughing. She finally managed to say that her friend had mentioned that they'd come by earlier in the day and they "saw Kim, and I don't think she had any pants on."


Larkin said...

You definitely wrote something funny :) The pressure is off!!!

Abby said...

HA! People - pants = funny

The Coatney's said...

i love it! so, so funny. you're already a great blogger

Ginger said...

I probably should not admit this, but I have done the same thing a number of times...but I've never gotten caught.

Stacey Mom said...

THanks for the laugh Kim, I'm glad I have another great blog to read.

Becky said...

He,he, that was funny! Thanks for the chuckle. Welcome to the blogging world!

Alan and Lynette said...

Hello Friend:) Wow...only you could pull off something like that and leave them thinking "WAS she wearing pants?:)" Glad to see you've broken into the world of blogging...I have been thinking a lot about you...glad to hear you are loving your life:) Looking forward to hearing more from you:)

Tammi said...

With all the other comments, there really is nothing left to say. I am speechless.

Becky said...

Scott keeps asking me what's so funny.....great story Kim!! You had me laughing. I posted an embarassing moment that happened to me the other day. You can check it out and laugh at me.

I'm glad you've jumped on the blogging bandwagon!

Ingrid said...

Ok...laughed so hard snot came out my nose, not gonna lie. I read this post thinking, I can hear Kim's voice and the inflection to boot with each word. You remain dear to my heart and one of the funniest and most fabulous friends a girl could EVER ask for! Welcome to blogging, survey says...You're a hit!

Kevin N. Turley said...

Kev and I laughed so hard we cried. It's still soooo funny all these years later.
Remember the time you made the cake for Bro Brower's b-day and it fell on the floor and you served it anyway?

Kim said...

HOLY CRAP, LAURA!!! Do you know what a secret is? No one is ever going to eat my food again. I can't believe you outed me!!!

Labra said...

I actually laughed out loud and I don't laugh out loud when reading usually. I remember that day and that was great! Those were the good ol' days! I am glad you have a blog and congrats on the new house. That is pretty exciting! This is Meggan although the user name is Luis.

Amber Carter said...

Kim -
Oh my, that was a funny story. I was just lauging out loud when my daughter asked me what I was laughing about. I told her the story and she said she wanted to rent that movie. haha! ;)

The Clarks said...

Pretty much this is my all time favorite Kim story! I remember the first time I heard it. I've never laughed so hard! You kill me! I could seriously read this every day for the rest of my life...Maybe I will.

Kevin N. Turley said...

I just wanted to go on record as saying that I have never at anytime known Kimberly Darrington Robison to ever drop anything on the floor and serve it to someone, except for the aforementioned incident which should be considered a desperate act at a desperate moment. I would also like to add that I would gladly eat Kim's cooking at any opportunity as she is the bestest, yummiest, cleanest, sparkliest, goodest cook I know.

Laura Turley

Gallant Family said...

LOL! I am crying from laughing so hard and I've heard the story before. You definitely have the BEST stories. You should write your own comic memoir. Seriously, so funny!

Amy said...

How Em-BARASSING!!! I've been in a similar situation.... only not pants, but shirt...

Heather said...

Pants beats no pants. Just ask Jerry Seinfeld. LOVED IT. Where'd you live in the 'burg. I resided at Pineview for TWO LONG YEARS.